Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Day 36

Sunday 4th November 2007 – Day 36 – I spend all day Sunday between cooking sorting out material for patchwork quilts. I am single-handedly going to try and utilise all the cotton material I can find in charity shops and turn them into worthwhile products. Cotton takes a tremendous amount of water to produce and because there is a market in the West for cheap clothes India and other places are producing cotton material at a cheap rate to the West but at a premium rate to India who then thrives. But can this last ? I look at it logically. Lakes are disappearing in the pursuit of material wealth but what if West can no longer buy the cotton or does not need it. The water has gone. Surely water is a more precious commodity to India so they can support themselves by growing the food they need. This is the reason I will not buy unless I absolutely have to anything. It is time we protected what we have for the future generations. We do not inherit the earth, we are custodians of it for our children and their children.