Friday, 9 November 2007

Day 41

Friday 9th November 2007 – Day 41 – Last night I found out that the LNG pipeline has been filled with gas. If there was a day when I could have broken out of the mould it was today. But food never entered my mind in the turmoil. Two years of fighting National Grid is in effect over. No one could have fought more than this little village I live in, this village I am an integral part of, my family having lived here for over 400 years that I know of. Now people will have to live with a threat for the next 30 years here. Times change. I feel today to talk about food is inappropriate, yet the gas pipeline only actually affects the people who live alongside it. Everyone else thinks themselves lucky that they are not living alongside it. In an age when fossil fuel is said to be destroying this planet why are we still being encouraged to burn gas and it appears that coal is going to make a come back. If we all change to new light bulbs and start walking more is this going to be just so the multi nationals can continue to sell us fossil fuels and to promote growth in all fields such as transport and technology. It just does not seem common sense to me. Tomorrow I will talk about food again, today I just ate it. But a bin, no longer figures in my life. It is now automatic to put my newspapers in a bin for lighting my fire when I need to and cardboard goes in with it, while any crumbs is given to the birds in the morning. There is nothing else so my bin is still empty.