Monday 12 November 2007

Day 43

Today is Sunday 11th November 2007 and today is one of the rare Sundays where I have been alone all day. My daughter and grandchildren visited yesterday and as James is not home I am free. I froze my free range chicken as it was too big to waste on just me and tomorrow to Tuesday I am in Cardiff, staying over as it is my daughters birthday. I I will stay to babysit for Jane and Justin to go out to the pictures and for a meal. The cenotaph is outside my house and so I watched the laying of the wreath this morning then decided to have the rest of the quiche I made for the family yesterday for my lunch with lots of cauliflower and little carrots and the remains of yesterdays salad. I have a little paper built up and when I come home on Tuesday will have one of my fires again. Today I started my Christmas sewing. I have a lot to do before Xmas and am determined to get it all done. I have a lot of applique to get through and a lot of cooking to prepare Xmas cakes, chocolates, brandy snaps and I will have to spend more on the delicatessen stall in the market to get small whole cheeses and pates in ceramic dishes for the hampers. But today I have started. I stayed up until 1 am as once I start to sew I have to keep going. I will get there and am quite proud of my start. I will photograph all the presents I make for Xmas as a permanent record of this year that I had the time to do it. Only 6 weeks, I had better get a move on. I am over half way through my challenge now. $3 days out of 84 gone, on the home straight and count down to 23rd December. I have taught myself a lesson. Lets hope I continue to heed it.