Monday, 12 November 2007

Day 42

Saturday 10th November 2007 - Today I start counting the cost of my living without a bin. My shopping bill today at the butchers was £8 exactly. He knocks off the pence. For that I had the biggest free range chicken I have had yet, a real beauty and half a pound of best loose butter. I went to the veg stall and spent £5.21. I did not need a lot today as my son is not coming home this weekend. The price of petrol has gone through the roof so it means he cannot afford as a student the petrol to get back home as regularly as he has. Petrol is at this moment here over £1 a litre. For my £5.21 at the veg stall I had three large tomatoes, a bunch of water cress which makes a fantastic salad, a pound and a half of new potatoes, a big dirty parsnip and a pound of little carrots which I just top and tail and steam. Apart from this the only other money I spent this weekend was £5.19 at my local shop on 4 double packs of Andrex toilet rolls, because they come in paper and an extra half pound of butter as I made fairy cakes for the children and an apple charlotte out of my frozen stewed apples. I had in my store cupboard everything else I needed.