Tuesday, 23 October 2007

Day 21

Sunday rose with the lark, the sun shone and I was alive. My son was home for his Sunday dinner. He was snuggled in to his bed like an animal in a nest. He misses his bed I think more than his mam. Today was a round of cooking, fresh bread, the traditional cooked dinner with apple crumble to follow, fresh fruit salad and mams custard. Last night I cracked an egg for my supper knowing it was a double yolker. Two slices of toast and one egg, that cannot be bad. This is why I do not find fresh food shopping from local markets expensive. My own bread is far more filling. Every meal made from fresh ingredients keeps one satisfied for far longer. I do not know if you get guaranteed double yolkers from the supermarkets but I get them from ‘my’ market.

I spent approximately 6 hours today preparing vegetables and cooking but as I am alone from this evening what I have cooked will now see me through the first half of the week. Next weekend I am off to Tenby. Imagine three days of food cooked for me. I am definitely the most appreciative guest they will have. I guarantee also to not bring home one piece of plastic. I will have to look for something for the children which is not wrapped. There are two really interesting book-shops in Tenby. Our family loves books so another problem solved.