Monday, 15 October 2007

Sunday - Day 14 - 2 weeks gone

When you have children it is your duty as parents to raise them as healthily as you can. You have to trust them to go out into the world then and fend for themselves. The start you give them is their knowing how to do that. My daughter struggles to juggle working and raising children. Like most young professional people she and her partner cannot afford to not work. She feeds the family well by visiting the butcher and the fish market, cooking dinners and the best food money can buy. In this situation the cost of this lies with my daughter, who is under terrific pressure to attempt to do the best for her children whilst helping keeping a roof over their heads and giving them a chance in life to be able to sustain themselves well. Women have been used since the last war to create a mass production line to build material wealth. Some of this wealth has come down to the man on the street in the form of cars, which are using up all the oil on the planet, fridges, phones, dishwashers, waste goods and plastic wrapping that clog our planet. All this is at the whim of the Bank of England who set the bank rate. We are at the mercy of the multi national corporations and financial institutions. Some people say to me it is too late to change it. When I think of our dependency for the basic staples of life on imports and see nothing but cattle and sheep around me, and no crops, it gives me the urge to do things such as no plastic and no supermarket shopping. I need to be active in talking to people and telling them that to secure their food supplies for themselves and their children has to be a priority, has to be THE priority above all others. I will never believe it is too late to change it. I can at least try. To feed a family well does not only entail the cooking of food along the lines of Delia Smith in the kitchen once a week. Nurturing a family is a full time job. There is the thought that must go into every days meals, there is the actively getting the ingredients on the list one mentally formulates in your brain or on a piece of paper for the next day and the day after that. There is the preparation time which can be horrendous when one does not have the time to do it in the daily routine. Then there is the serving of this food, the cleaning up after and the starting all over again. Food is not fast and never will be and the better the food the more time it can take. Time our young families do not have in this throw away society which has to stop.