Tuesday 9 October 2007

Day 9

Tuesday 9th October 2007. Today I had to be away from home all day also. I had to attend a meeting that took me a couple of hours to get there and a couple of hours to get back. I had to eat out again and so my regime was non existent. I was embroiled in political discussions for the day and my free range chicken still sits on the shelf of the fridge. My bin is still empty and the date on the chicken says 11th October. Tomorrow I refuse to go anywhere. I will cook and eat my chicken with the butter and herb stuffing oozing out of it. My home does not smell the same when I have been out all day. It is bereft as I am bereft because outside life has interloped into my regime, into my home, today I am not allowed to be just a woman, today I must be something else, so I shall. Tomorrow I shall revert to being a housewife. My bread bin is stocked, I have fruit and vegetables. Thank goodness for the fridge. Without it my food would have rotted. Another reason that before refrigeration and the motorcar and oil women were needed at home to feed the family. No shopping for the weeks food then. It would have been rotten. I smelled my chicken. It is fine. Tomorrow beckons now today is on the wane.